The October 2007 issue of the Russian photo magazine, Photomasterskaya, features an interview with me as well as a 14 page spread of my work, plus the cover..
christian harkness
The artist's proof of 'Dead Roses' was on display in Florida at the Cedar Key Arts Center.
Images from the "Last Picture Show" and "Tarnished Mirror" suites were on exhibit and available for purchase at the' Bodiford's' Gallery in Cedar Key. [sadly now closed]
Two 'Tarnished Mirror' images reproduced in the merrit award section of the 2007 Portfolio Contest Awards issue of B&W Magazine.
Three 'Every Angel is Terrifying..." images reproduced in the merrit award section of the 2006 Portfolio Contest Awards issue of B&W Magazine.
click image to open in new window
Images from the "Every Angel is Terrifying" and "Tarnished Mirror" portfolios were in the July 2007 [#7} issue of Womag, an online visual arts magazine published in Turkey.
Terzo Occhio Exhibit, 16-30 June, 2006, Bobbio, Italy
The 2008 July/August issue of Garden&Gun magazine has a six page spread of my Cedar KeyWaterWomen photos.
South x Southeast V.II, Issue V with Cyanotypes and nudes from several of my portfolios.
from here to there….and back again
A solo exhibit of my work from the WaterWomen, 19/98, and Every Angel is Terrifying…. portfolios.
The exhibit was curated by Alexandria Zettler of Studio1 and ran at Fire Ants Fine Arts, Tallahassee, Florida from Friday, 3 June through Sunday, 11 June.
The November issue of SouthxSoutheast photo- magazine features, among other things, some of my 19/98 Florida Highway photographs. Its a wonderful online, by subscription only, magazine about Southern photography.