Cyanotypes fascinate me.  One of their chief attractions is that they are made without using a darkroom. Exposure can be made in sunlight; development of the print consists of washing it in water.  Living in Florida, I have the advantage of abundant sunlight.  By sticking my negative/sensitized paper ‘sandwich’ into the sun for about 3 to 3.5 minutes, I am guaranteed a decent print.  Van Dyke brown prints are just a tad more complicated because after they are ‘developed’ in water they need to be fixed and washed again.One of the draw backs to making these prints used to be that the negative needs to be the size of the print, since the process consists of making contact prints. With the aid of computers and printers it is now possible to make an enlarged negative for contact printing on the desktop printer. [The red image on this page is a digital negative]
Some wonderful background and discussion concerning Cyanotypes and Van Dyke Brown prints can be found in Lyle Rexer’s book: Photography’s Antiquarian Avant-Garde [The New Wave in Old Processes]


